Your experience Thinking about when you last contacted us: 1. Was the member of staff you spoke to helpful and polite? Was the member of staff you spoke to helpful and polite? Yes No 2. Did we resolve your enquiries the first time you contacted us? (Required) Did we resolve your enquiries the first time you contacted us? Yes No 3. Did we provide updates on progress on your enquiry? (Required) Did we provide updates on progress on your enquiry? Yes No 4. Did we answer all questions and offer additional help if possible? (Required) Did we answer all questions and offer additional help if possible? Yes No 5. How would you rate your overall experience? (Required) How would you rate your overall experience? Very satisfied Satisfied Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied Dissatisfied Very dissatisfied 6. Tell us if you have any suggestions or comments that would help us to improve our service Help: This page has a 20-minute timeout. If you think you will write a lot and need longer than ten minutes, prepare it offline and copy and paste it into the form. 7. Your name 8. Address Postcode 9. Telephone number 10. Would you like to receive news and information for council tenants, by email? (Required) Would you like to receive news and information for council tenants, by email? Yes No Help: You can opt out of these emails at any time. 11. If you said yes, tell us the email address you would like to receive them to