Details of contract opportunities

Tender and Quotation Opportunities

Please find details of your selected tender and quotation opportunity below :

TitleBurnwood Community School Kitchen extension project
Contract Reference NumberHDG/2024/792
InformationStoke-on-Trent City Council has allocated some funding for a kitchen extension at Burnwood Community School. The current kitchen is approximately 92 sqm in size and accommodates 6 adults along with a variety of kitchen appliances. An extension is required due to the large increase in the school's pupil population. In 2011 the kitchen provided around 150 meals however due to the vast increase in pupil numbers, the school is now providing upwards of 400 meals per day for pupils from Nursery to Year 6. There is currently a staff WC and changing room within the kitchen area which would need to be retained but could be re-located. There is also a boiler room, electricity cupboard and food store which again would need to be retained but could be re-located. The extension design is expected to comply with BB103. The successful consultant will be invited to an inception meeting at the school and further client engagement meetings as required with the school leadership to discuss the issues and requirements in more detail in order for design work to commence. Mechanical and electrical specifications and guidance will also be discussed with the successful contractor once appointed. Please contact to register your interest for this oportunity.
Award CriteriaPrice and Quality Mix(MEAT)
Is the opportunity suitable for small and medium businessesYes
This is being advertised on the Stoke-on-Trent City Council website, Facebook, Twitter and Google+.
Closing Date/Time06/11/2024 17:00:00
Contract Start Date
Contract End Date
Contact DetailsWilliam Stuart
Strategy & Resources
Procurement & Commercial Services
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