Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Ward Information

Ward Information

Please select a ward or enter a postcode

You have selected: Baddeley, Milton and Norton

Local councillors

Councillor Duncan Walker
Councillor Dave Evans
Councillor Carl Edwards

Age Profile (2021 census,ONS)
All ages16983
Aged 0 to 14 years2968
Aged 15 to 29 years2688
Aged 30 to 44 years2939
Aged 45 to 59 years3567
Aged 60 to 74 years3008
Aged 75 years and over1814
Ethnicity (2021 Census, ONS)
White: British15704
White: Other (not Irish / Roma)295
Asian, Asian British: Pakistani89
Asian, Asian British: Other210
Black, Black British: Caribbean or African208
Mixed or Multiple ethnic groups298
Other Ethnic Group178
Tenure (2021 Census, ONS)
Total Households7441
Owner Occupied - Owned Outright3093
Owner Occupied - Owned with a Mortgage/Shared ownership2174
Social/Council Rented1172
Private rented or other rented964
Household Composition (2021 Census, ONS)
One person aged 66 years and over1116
One person aged under 661116
Family all aged 66 years and over839
Married or cohabiting couple - No children1363
Married or cohabiting couple - with dependent children1370
Married or cohabiting couple - All children non-dependent510
Lone parent household Dependent or non-dependent children844
Other Households287
Occupation (2021 Census, ONS) - Persons in Employment
Managerial and Professional Occupations2612
Administrative and secretarial occupations728
Skilled trades occupations1143
Caring, leisure and other service occupations913
Sales and customer service occupations669
Process, Plant and Elementary occupations1599
MOSAIC (2022, Experian Limited) - Percentage of all properties
E Senior Security19.50%
F Suburban Stability13.10%
H Aspiring Homemakers13.30%
I Family Basics12.60%
J Transient Renters7.40%
K Municipal Tenants7.10%
L Vintage Value7.10%
M Modest Traditions12.10%
Other MOSAIC Groups7.70%
Qualifications (2021 Census, ONS) - Persons aged 16 and over
No qualifications3218
Level 1 and entry level qualifications1427
Level 2 qualifications2145
Level 3 qualifications2364
Level 4 qualifications or above3087
Apprenticeship & other qualifications1589
Benefits - Percentage of Working age population
Claimant Count, ONS April 20234.30%
Universal Credit, DWP April 202315%
Incapacity Benefits, DWP November 20234.90%
PIP/DLA, DWP November 20237.70%
Total on Working- Age Benefits, November 202324.70%