Home Care Service What was your expectation of the home care service you receive? (Please tick all that apply) I feel safe, secure and protected I am involved in decisions about the care I receive I am supported by staff who are knowledgeable about my care needs I have a reliable service that is not rushed and staff arrive on time I am treated with respect and dignity I have choice and I am asked about the care I receive I am supported by staff who are fully trained and competent to undertake care tasks which are reviewed regularly I am supported by people who listen carefully, so they know what matters to me I am supported by staff who are flexible and can adapt to my change in needs/mood I am supported by staff who stay for the full duration of the call Other If other, please tell us more... Is your home care service meeting your needs and expectations? Yes No Sometimes If no or sometimes, please explain why... The home care service supports me to do the things that are important to me as independently as possible. Do your agree with this statement? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Please explain in more detail... It is important to see the same care staff regularly? Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree or Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree Does the homecare agency inform you of any changes to the care (i.e. the visit will be late or another care worker will be visiting)? Yes No Sometimes Do you think anything could be improved with your home care service? Yes No Please tell us more How would you rate the home care service you (or your relative) are currently receiving overall? Very Good Good OK Poor Any additional comments?