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Fantastic Friday - The Owl Who Was Afraid of The Dark

  • Date: 30th July 2021
  • Location: Hanley Park , Cleveland Road, Shelton
  • Time: 13:00 - 15:00
  • Cost: Free

An event for children and their adult friends. Today's Fantastic Friday is inspired by the book - the Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark - by Jill Tomlinson.

For our Magic Monday, Wild Wednesday and Fantastic Friday children's summer holiday events this year - we've teamed up with Stoke 100 reads. Each of the events are inspired by different books of the Stoke 100 reads. Can you read all of the books we've focused on for each event? Today's Fantastic Friday is inspired by the book - the Owl who Was Afraid of the Dark - by Jill Tomlinson. We will be playing a range of games, where you will be blindfolded and have to use you senses of touch, hearing and teamwork. Meets us in the top field – to the left  of the playground at the back   - by the trees. Contact:- Claire Studman 07584 174465 or Caroline Evans 07770881353