Book Fair

  • Date: 11th February 2024
  • Location: Maer Village Hall ST5 5ER
  • Time: 10:00 - 04:00
  • Cost: FREE

         Bookfair : Maer Village Hall ST5 5EF                                                        New and Secondhand Books.           Saturday 10th 10am - 5pm          

          Bookfair : Maer Village Hall ST5 5EF                                                        New and Secondhand Books.           Saturday 10th 10am - 5pm           Sunday 11th  10am - 4pm           Retro Penguin Classics. History. Current Affairs. Classics. Contemporary Cooking. Fine Art.           Author Dave Proudlove will be there with his current book 'When the Circus leaves Town'              published by Pitch Publishing. Also his Six Towns series 'Ballad of the Streets' and           'Streets of my Hometown' ..           Potentially .. Photographer Phil Shallcross will be there with his new book from Panda Press titled 'In Jack's Footsteps' - the landscape of the painter Jack Simcock.           Tea & Coffee. Car park. Disabled access. Cash or PayPal payments only.            Free Entry