Fully Booked Afternoon talk combined with archive screen sequences led by Ray Johnston.
Arrival from 13.30pm tea and homemade cakes will be available to purchase. Talk will commence at 14.00pm concluding at 15.45pm. Middleport Pottery was built in 1888 as an efficiently-run ‘model factory’. Arnold Bennett features it in his first successful novel: Anna of the Five Towns as “The Providence Works” - a model of creativity and innovation. Join Arnold for a cuppa and a cake and re-create Anna’s tour of Middleport works in Bennett’s own words.
Booking: Pre-book https://middleport-pottery.arttickets.org.uk/middleport-pottery/2023-09-15-tea-with-arnold-bennett
Websites: filmarchive.org.uk | arnoldbennettsociety.org.uk | re-form.org/middleportpottery