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Snow, Ice and cold weather

Bethesda Chapel

  • Date: 9th September 2023
  • Location: Bethesda Chapel, 35-37 Albion Street, Hanley, Stoke-on-Trent ST1 1QF
  • Cost: Free

Saturday 9th September 12:00 - 15:00, Organ recital 14:45 onwards Saturday 16th September 12:00 - 15:00

Bethesda was founded by the local pottery owners in 1797. It was the first New Connexion Chapel so is of religious importance. It is of architectural interest with what is thought to have the largest span outside London when it was built. It had some alterations in its early years as it was expanded twice. In its early days it had a bank and an 'infirmary'. Nearest parking, John Street car park or Hinde Street car park.