Supporting information to accompany the tenancy agreement. Tenancy agreement bookletFile type: PDFSize: 2.23 MBDownload Tenant handbook: Tenancy home and neighbourhoodFile type: PDFSize: 3.09 MBDownload Tenant handbook: Housing and services for older peopleFile type: PDFSize: 2.15 MBDownload Tenant handbook: Paying your rent and other chargesFile type: PDFSize: 2.89 MBDownload Older people's housing directoryFile type: PDFSize: 2.99 MBDownload Leaseholder handbookFile type: PDFSize: 3.82 MBDownload Tenant handbook: Repairs, maintenance and improving your homeFile type: PDFSize: 2.01 MBDownload Tenancy policyFile type: PDFSize: 414.73 KBDownload Tenancy Termination FormFile type: PDFSize: 166.52 KBDownload