2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

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Paying for support

Direct payments

Direct payments aim to give you more flexibility in how your services are provided.  By giving you money instead of social care services, you have greater choice and control over your life and are able to make your own decisions about how your care and support is delivered.

With a direct payment, you can:

  • Choose and hire your own care givers (personal assistants).
  • Buy services from care agencies or community organisations.
  • Purchase equipment for your home.

Who can get a direct payment?

To receive direct payments, you will have had an assessment which identifies that you are eligible to receive social care support.  People who can receive direct payments include:

  • Older adults needing community care.
  • Carers aged 16 and over.
  • People with disabilities (including parents of disabled children).

To get a direct payment, you must be able to:

  • Manage your money and personal budget.
  • Arrange and pay for your own care.

There are some things you cannot use direct payments for:

  • Full-time residential or nursing care.
  • Hiring family members living with you.
  • Council-run care services.
  • NHS services.
  • Personal household items or housing costs.

There may be a charge for your care, depending on your income but we discuss your needs and help you to manage your direct payment.

We offer information, advice, and support to help you manage your direct payment. You can also use a payroll company to help with tasks like paying staff.

How do I apply for a direct payment?

We try to make direct payments as easy to manage as possible. If you do decide to opt for a direct payment, our direct payment team can provide information and advice around managing your direct payment.

More Information

Direct Payments Policy: Direct Payments (trixonline.co.uk)