Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

Remembrance tributes and plaques - Tree and marker

One of the most lasting ways to remember a loved one is by sponsoring a tree in their memory.

There is a wide range of beautiful mature trees available to sponsor. In some cases we could consider planting a new tree. This depends on where you want it, and the type of tree. Please contact us for specialist advice on this. 
Each tree has a marker bearing a suitable message in gold lettering. You can witness the marker being placed. Please contact us in order to make an appointment.

All cemeteries except Trentham
Lease period
Ten years - you can renew after this time.
  • Tree and marker - £625
  • renewal of tree - £380

If you choose not to renew the lease, we will remove the marker from display.

We have a responsibility for maintaining the tree throughout its life. All pruning or other work will be carried out as needed.  We will replace the tree if it dies or becomes dangerous during the lease period.

The location of the tree must be discussed prior to ordering.

Call to discuss location
01782 235050