Council Tax and Benefit services unavailable.

We're unable to process any changes to Council Tax & Benefits accounts while we carry out some essential changes. We’ll be back up and running by Monday 10th March. Thanks for your patience.

Data directory - Fraud statistics 2022/2-23

Number of information requests using specialised Powers (Prevention of Social Housing Fraud (Power to Require Information) (England) Regulations 2014 & CTRS Authorised Officer Powers)

  • 53 POSHFA
  • 17 CTRS
Number of staff working on the investigation and prosecution work as of 31/03/23
  • One manager
  • three investigators
  • two support staff
  • (5.4 FTE)
Number of professionally-accredited counter fraud specialists 4 (3.4 FTE)
Total amount spenty by the authority on the investigation of fraud £136,580 Net spend
Number of investigations cases raised to be investigated in the period 01/04/22 to 31/03/23 304