2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

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Fair processing notices - Careers and participation service

How we use your data

The careers and participation service processes personal information relating to children and young people and may receive this information from the young people themselves, parents or carers, current and previous educational/care settings, other city council teams, other local authority teams, the Department for Education (DfE) and other external professional agencies.

This information will include the child or young person’s and family's contact details, national curriculum and attainment data, including assessment results, attendance/exclusion information, information from previous/current early years providers/schools/post-16 providers, any information from other local authority special educational needs teams, any health or medical information, any social care information and any personal characteristics such as their religion and ethnic group.  

We hold this personal data to: 

  • support, enable or assist young people to participate in education, employment or training
  • include in an education, health and care plan (if applicable) or contribute to a personal education plan
  • consult with transitioning educational/care settings for future placements
  • provide participation support for children and young people with special educational needs
  • be able to monitor, review and report on progress
  • ensure the safeguarding of children and young people
  • ensure the medical health, safety and wellbeing of children and young people.

Our lawful basis for processing information is:

  • legal obligation: processing is necessary to comply with the law (Education and Skills Act 2008, Children Act 2004) 
  • public task: processing is necessary to perform a task in the public interest

We are most likely to share personal data with: 

  • other city council teams (admissions, early help, early years, education welfare service, free school meals, schools' finance, home to school transport (TRACS), children's social care, adult social care, learning pathways, special educational needs monitoring and assessment service (SENMAS) ) 
  • other local authority teams (if moving in to or leaving Stoke-on-Trent)
  • any previous/current/possible transitioning early years provider/school/post-16 provider
  • educational psychology service
  • Department for Education (DfE) 
  • Ofsted 
  • any transitioning school or educational/care setting

We may share data with our internal audit team to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s risk management, control and governance processes.  

We may also share your data with the council's fraud team to help to prevent and detect fraud.

To ensure personal data is kept safe we have the following controls in place:

  • the information will not be used for any purpose other than those stated in this notice
  • the information will be held within secure systems/locations, with appropriate levels of security, that comply with relevant data protection legislation
  • the information will only be shared for lawful purposes and with an appropriate level of security that complies with relevant data protection legislation
  • the information will not be hold for longer than is necessary, after which it will be securely destroyed in line with our retention policy. 
  • the information will be processed in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018 and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

We will not give information about our children/young people to anyone without your consent unless the law and our policies allow us to do so.

Who to contact if you have questions

Contact the careers and participation service if you wish to:

  • amend any records we hold 
  • access any records we hold 
  • have any information we hold corrected
  • have any information we hold erased
  • restrict how information we hold can be used or shared
  • object to information being held
  • have any information we hold transferred to a third party

We are required, by law, to pass certain information about children/young people to the Department for Education (DfE) for the National Client Caseload Information System (NCCIS) statutory returns. 

If you wish to contact us in relation to any of your information rights, email foi@stoke.gov.uk or write to Information Rights Team, Floor 2, Civic Centre, Glebe Street, Stoke-on-Trent ST4 1HH.

Complete the online form

If you wish to complain about how your personal information has been handled by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, contact the information rights team in the first instance using the details above. If you are not satisfied you can complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office, Wycliffe House, Water Lane, Wilmslow, Cheshire, SK9 5AF, or call 03031231113

Information Commissioner's Office website