Christmas opening times

Find out more about what services are available over the Christmas period including bin collections and the opening times of tips, leisure centres and other facilities.

Christmas opening times

Data directory - Library fees and charges

Overdue charges on books and talking books
Adults 15p per day up to a maximum of £3
Concessions 10p per day up to a maximum of £2
Children none
Reservation charges
Reservations in stock or on order free
Reservations not in stock: adults £1
Reservations not in stock: concessionary 50p
Reservations not in stock: children free
Reserving items from another library authority £3.50
Items obtained from the British Library £10
Photocopies obtained from outside Stoke-on-Trent libraries stock 50p per sheet
Replacement membership cards
Adults 50p
Children and concessions free
Photocopies from outside Stoke-on-Trent libraries stock 50p per sheet
A4 laminating 50p per sheet
A3 laminating £1 per sheet
Black and white printing
A4 10p per sheet up to 25 sheets
A4 5p per sheet for page 26 onwards
A3 10p per sheet (no reduction for extra copies)
Colour printing
A4 and A3 50p per sheet (no reduction for extra copies)
Other items
Headphones £2.40 each
Events and activities
IT training £50 per session

Room hire fees and charges