Stoke-on-Trent Centenary: Celebrating 100 years of our city

In 2025, we'll celebrate a century since the city received its well-deserved status. Check out our dedicated Centenary page for information on events, local stories and more!

No cold-calling zones - Newford

Streets covered
Alanley Close
Apollo Walk
Athlone Street
Baden Road
Bodmin Walk
Brownley Road
Carina Gardens
Cliff Street
Chetwynd Street
Community Drive
Dash Grove
Horwood Gardens
Jupiter Street
Larksfield Road
Mars Street
Mercury Place
Miranda Grove
Nellan Crescent
Norton Drive
Orion Street
Pedley Grove
Pegasus Grove
Pegroy Grove
Regina Street
Sangster Lane
Saturn Road
Skipacre Avenue
Sparrow Street
Southern Way
Stella Street
Triton Walk
William Rushton Road
Zamenof Grove
Number of properties in the zone

The zone is not designed to stop:

  • regular callers such as Avon or Betterware who just leave a catalogue
  • utility services such as gas and electric who call to read your meter
  • political groups canvassing for election purposes and at other times throughout the year
How to know you are in the zone
Street signs have been placed on lamp posts to warn traders.
Residents in the zone have been provided with a door/window sticker to display.