2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Fair processing notices - Member, governance and civic support

How we use your data

When you come into contact with or use the member, governance and civic support team we collect the following information about you: 

  • name
  • address
  • date of birth (if applicable)
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • bank account details for payments (ward budget, credit card purchases)
  • company or business information
  • councillor casework (specific information reporting issues)

We only keep this data for the time specified in our retention schedule or as required by law.

We use this data to:

  • contact you with information or to request support or sponsorship (either by post, telephone, email)
  • advise you of or invite you to events or meetings you may be interested in
  • organise information for the public on how to contact councillors
  • keep an accurate records of councillors’ terms of office and public service information (recorded via the committee management system and in paper form)
  • progress applications with regard to lord mayor, deputy lord mayor, councillors' attendance at meetings, events or civic engagements
  • pass information to interested parties including the local media and police with regard to civic attendance at events
  • inform the Lord Mayor's Charity of company information regarding donations and support
  • log, record and progress requests from members of the public and councillors in order to pass on your details to directorates for service requests
  • to process and make financial payments for ward budgets applications (via our civic system), to undertake community consultation and for purposes required or allowed by law

We have a duty to protect public funds so may use the information we have for the prevention and detection of fraud. We may share this information with other bodies for these purposes.

We may share data with our internal audit team to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s risk management, control and governance processes.  We may also share your data with the council's fraud team to help to prevent and detect fraud.

Who to contact if you have questions

We are able to do this, given that we have been provided with your information previously or have added you to our database given your involvement with the office in some way.

If you would like to withdraw consent or speak to someone about this service contact Gina Jones, election and member support team leader on gina.jones@stoke.gov.uk.