2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Fair processing notices - Stop smoking/smokefree homes services

How we use your data

When you use the stop smoking service, smoking in pregnancy service or the smokefree homes service (commissioned by Stoke-on-Trent City Council) the service provider will collect the following information about you:

  • name
  • address
  • telephone number
  • email address
  • date of birth
  • gender
  • sexuality
  • employment status
  • occupation
  • ethnic group
  • whether you are pregnant, number of weeks pregnant, whether a positive pregnancy test has been had, estimated delivery date, whether you live with a smoker, whether there are any other smokers in the household, how many are under 16, number of live births, number of pregnancies
  • breastfeeding 
  • whether your home is smokefree
  • whether exempt from prescription charges
  • GP practice and address
  • where you heard about the service
  • whether you are receiving support from another provider
  • whether you are a current smoker of a tobacco product
  • whether you are age 12 or under
  • quit date
  • date of last cigarette
  • episode start date
  • episode end date and reason for quit attempt ending
  • date of each contact with the provider, the type of contact (such as face to face, telephone) and duration of contact
  • carbon monoxide readings
  • smoking status at four, 12 and 52 weeks 
  • smoking status at four weeks, 12 weeks, at ‘delivery’, three months post-partum and 52 weeks for pregnant service users 
  • any diagnosed mental health problems
  • ethnicity
  • whether deaf, hard of hearing, blind or partially sighted
  • whether you have a child age two or under at time of enrolment 
  • type of stop smoking medication you use as part of your quit attempt
  • relevant medical details
  • exemption status (entitlement to free prescriptions)

We only keep this data for the time specified in our retention schedule or as required by law.

We use this data to:  

  • contact you to make/rearrange appointments as part of your quit attempt/smokefree homes attempt 
  • contact you to find out how you are progressing as part of your quit attempt/smokefree homes attempt (up to 52 weeks from your quit date)
  • help to make decisions about what stop smoking medication will be most suitable for you
  • inform your GP or other appropriate health care professional, where relevant, of your quit attempt and any medication you are taking which may interfere with any drugs prescribed by your GP or other healthcare professional 
  • make a referral to a local participating pharmacist if you have requested to use the drug Champix as part of your quit attempt
  • inform the local maternity service (University Hospitals of North Midlands) of your quit attempt and progress if you are pregnant
  • monitor, evaluate and audit the services (this includes a quarterly submission to NHS Digital , this is a breakdown of the service numbers and outcomes, no individual personal details are submitted) 
  • for third party organisations (accredited and approved by Stoke-on-Trent City Council) to contact you for audit, evaluation, research and follow up purposes

We are able to do this because you have entered into a contract with us and we can’t fulfil it without doing this.

We have a duty to protect public funds so may use the information we have for the prevention and detection of fraud.  We may share this information with other bodies for these purposes. 

We may share data with our internal audit team to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s risk management, control and governance processes.  We may also share your data with the council's fraud team to help to prevent and detect fraud.

Who to contact if you have questions

If you want to speak to someone about this service contact Rochelle Edwards on 01782 231690.