2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

More information

Fair processing notices - Adult social care assessments

How we use your data

When you use the adult social care service we collect information about you and your support networks. We only keep this data for the time specified in our retention schedule or as required by law.

The purposes for which the data will be used are in relation to providing assessment and care management support.  We are able to do this because the law established by the following Acts of Parliament and statutory guidance says we must:

  • Care Act, 2014
  • Mental Capacity Act, 2005
  • Mental Health Act, 1983 (as amended by the 2007 Act)
  • Equality Act, 2010
  • Human Right Act, 1998

We are required by the above laws to hold, use and share some of your information with a number of agencies as identified below:

  • Central Government for the purpose of statistical analysis.
  • relevant police forces
  • relevant fire services
  • West Midlands Ambulance Service
  • NHS
  • providers who provide direct services to you
  • internal teams within the local authority
  • other local authorities which may be assessing or providing support to you
  • other Government departments as appropriate, such as the Home office, Department for Works and Pension

Wwe have a duty to protect public funds. 

We may therefore use the information we have for the prevention and detection of fraud. We may share this information with other bodies for these purposes. 

We may share data with our internal audit team to evaluate the effectiveness of the organisation’s risk management, control and governance processes.  We may also share your data with the council's fraud team to help to prevent and detect fraud.

Who to contact if you have questions

Call us on 01782 234234.