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Adult education courses - Portraits for beginners

Make lifelike portraits of your friends and family by following some simple drawing and painting tutorials.
Number of sessions/duration of the course
Six sessions of two-and-a-half hours.
Course description

Following some simple laws of proportion and using various media and drawing exercises, you will depict the fact from life and from photographs, in pencil, pen, charcoal, soft pastel, watercolour and acrylic.

You will be taught how to identify the basic proportions of the head and face and also how to depict the eyes, nose, mouth and ears. 

Is this course for me?

This course is designed for learners who:

  • have not produced any artwork since they were at school 
  • those who regularly draw and paint at home but would like to learn new skills and techniques
  • are prepared to try new artistic techniques that take them out of their comfort zone
  • want to be able to exchange thoughts and ideas in a safe and supportive environment.
Is this course accredited or non-accredited?
What equipment will I need for this course?


  • sketchbook
  • graded drawing pencils
  • plastic folder (A2 or A3 to carry your work in)

Nice to have:

  • charcoal
  • pastels
  • acrylics
Course cost £50
Cost to people receiving JSA, ESA, income support or universal credit £40