2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

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Make a complaint about a children's social care service

In this section

  1. Make a complaint about a children's social care service
  2. What happens when I make a complaint?
  3. Local Government Ombudsman (LGO)

We can consider complaints about children's social care from: 

  • any young person who is looked after by the city council or has a Child in Need, or their parent or carer
  • care leavers
  • special guardians or any child or young person who has a special guardianship order in place
  • any young person who may be adopted, or their parents or guardians, or prospective adopters 
  • any local authority foster carer
  • anyone else we consider has sufficient interest in a child or young person’s wellbeing

If you are making a complaint on behalf of a young person we may need to seek their consent for the complaint to be investigated.

You can complain about any aspect of the service you receive, for example if:

  • you disagree with a decision that has been made about your care
  • you are unhappy with the quality of the service you receive, or are concerned that it is not the right service for you
  • there is a delay in making decisions about your care or providing a service to you
  • you are unhappy with the attitude or behaviour of our staff
  • you are unhappy with an assessment or review

Make a complaint using our online feedback system

We will not be able to deal with a complaint when:

  • a person is not entitled to make a complaint and is not acting on behalf of someone who is
  • it is about things that happened more than 12 months ago
  • it has already been investigated at all stages of the complaints procedure
  • it is about decisions which have been made in court – you will need to seek legal advice
  • it is about decisions made by other organisations such as schools, the health service, and police - you will need to contact these organisations directly

You can ask your social worker, your independent reviewing officer, a friend, another trusted person or an advocate for help. An advocate is someone who is independent and specially trained to support you to say what you want to say, or they can say it for you.