2025/26 Garden waste collections

Subscriptions are now open for the 2025/26 garden waste collection service, starting from 1st April.

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Children's Centre Consultation

This public consultation has now closed.

We are undertaking a public consultation about proposed changes to some of our children’s centres.

The city council are proposing to retain five centres on the basis that these will transition into Family Hubs (as defined by the government). They are:

  • Stoke North Children’s Centre
  • Tunstall Children’s Centre
  • Thomas Boughey Children’s Centre
  • Stoke Children’s Centre
  • Westfield Children’s Centre

We are proposing to transfer two of the current centres to third party organisations no later than April 2023. They may or may not remain legally designated Children’s Centres, subject to negotiation with third sector organisations.  They are:

  • Burslem Children’s Centre
  • Treehouse Children’s Centre

Finally, we are proposing to close and de-register three Children’s Centres and relocate the services currently offered within them into other local facilities which may include schools and community centres situated in close proximity to the current Children’s Centre site.  They are:

  • Blurton Children’s Centre
  • The Crescent Children’s Centre
  • Norton Children’s Centre

The aim of the proposals is to bring together more services that can be delivered from a range of different local venues and increase the amount of outreach work and online support we are able to provide so that we can spend the limited money that is available to us on delivering better services and less money on maintaining buildings.

You may wish to speak to your lead professional (midwife, family support, and speech and language therapist) to ask about outreach support.

If you would like to find out more information or speak to someone about the proposals in more detail, you can call 01782 234234 or email the team at ChildrenCentreFeedback@stoke.gov.uk.

Click here to view the children's centre consultation document

Click here to view a summary of proposed changes to our children's centres