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Adult Social Care Charging Policy Consultation

Adult Social Care Charging Consultation

This consultation has now closed.

Stoke-on-Trent City Council currently charges for the Adult Social Care services that we provide to eligible residents across the city (with exceptions), subject to a financial assessment.

We are now carrying out a review of these charges in line with the Care and Support (Charging and Assessment of Resources) Regulations 2014 and as part of this review we have the responsibility to be clear and transparent with regards to our charging arrangements (where and when a charge may be applied).

It is proposed that elements of our current policies may need to be changed. The proposals will affect a number of residents across Stoke-on-Trent and we need your help to inform future decisions around our policies. Changes made will not affect all adults, but it is important that all those who receive social care services or may require them in the future are aware of the changes and the potential impacts moving forward.

The aim of the proposed changes is to ensure that as a council, we are able to continue to provide the adult social care services that our residents rely on as well as being sustainable.

Here is a brief description of the policies involved in the consultation:

  • Non-residential charging policy: A fair and consistent framework for individuals receiving care and support services.
  • Social care transport policy: Provision of transport for people whose care and support needs are met by Stoke-on-Trent City Council, in accordance with the Care Act 2014.
  • Residential charging policy: Assisting officers of Stoke-on-Trent City Council who are involved in carrying out social care need assessments and financial assessments

To read the draft charging policies, please click the buttons below:

Non-residential charging policy

Adult Social care transport policy

Residential Charging policy