Christmas opening times

Find out more about what services are available over the Christmas period including bin collections and the opening times of tips, leisure centres and other facilities.

Christmas opening times

Report a traveller site

Travellers and Unauthorised Camps

If you wish to report travellers/an unauthorised encampment (caravans) the site where the travellers are located must be within the City of Stoke-on-Trent boundaries.
In cases where there is a danger to the public and an urgent response is required such as criminal activity, threatening behaviour, or serious ASB please contact the police.
If out of hours or weekends please contact Private Sector Housing on 01782 232087 and leave a message or email: and we will contact you the next working day.


Stray Horses

  • The council has no facility to collect stray animals.
  • Any problems referring to stray horses on private land should be reported to the Police (call 101) for removal under the Town Police Act - 1847.