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Policies, procedures and strategies directory - Anti-Social Behaviour Case Reviews

An ASB Case Review (formerly known as a Community Trigger) can be requested by a victim of anti-social behaviour or by a person acting on their behalf, such as a family member, friend, carer, councillor, Member of Parliament or other professional.

Agencies including local authorities, police forces, the NHS and local registered providers of social housing have a duty to undertake a case review where the case meets the threshold.

A case review does not replace an organisation’s complaints procedure. Any complaint about how the city council has responded to anti-social behaviour should be made to the city council’s corporate complaints team.

The community trigger will not prompt a review of decisions previously made by the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS). If a victim is not satisfied with a decision made by the CPS they should refer to the CPS complaints process, and the Victims’ Right to Review Scheme.

Stoke-on-Trent has adopted the Staffordshire Police ASB Case Review Process. You can apply for an ASB Case Review by:
• Downloading and submitting a form via the Staffordshire Police website
• Ringing 101
• Using the Staffordshire Police live messaging service
• Writing to Staffordshire Police Central Disclosure Unit, Police HQ, Weston Road, Stafford, ST18 0YY
• Visiting a police enquiry office at Longton or Hanley