Council Tax and Benefit services unavailable.

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Family Hubs - Bentilee Family Hub

Centre Address
Dawlish Drive, Bentilee, Stoke-on-Trent, ST2 0HW
Opening hours
Monday to Thursday, 9am to 5pm
Friday, 9am to 4.30pm
Play area
Monday sessions
9:30am – 11:30pm Big Cup by Alice Charity in the Creche – Stay and play for toddlers with fun activities. Just come along.

1pm – 2.30pm Alpha Coffee Break in the Family Room

12:30pm – 2:30pm Breastfeeding Network in the Creche. Pop along for a coffee and friendly support. Just come along.
Tuesday Sessions
1pm-2pm The Bread and Butter Thing. Subsidised, great value food for families.
Wednesday Sessions
9am-4pm Health Visitor Baby Clinic. Weight, devlopment checks and advice. Appointments only,

12.30pm - 2.30pm Family Learning. Join us for crafts and fun learning opportunities. Just come along.

12.30pm-2pm Babbling babies in the Creche. Have some fun whilst encouraging your little ones to develop skills for future speech and communication. Just come along.

10am-12pm on the last Wednesday of the month. Mothers Mind Coffee Morning.
Thursday Sessions
9am-3.30pm Health Visitor Baby Clinic. Weight, development checks and advice. Appointments only.

1pm-2:30pm Soundpots in the Creche
Friday Sessions
10am-12pm Fortnightly Early Years Forum. SEND play and stay. Appointment only.

10am-12pm Mums-2-B in the Hub Room. Meet other expectant Mums and get pregnancy advice. Just come along.

12.30-2.15pm Fun Friday in the Creche. Parent and toddler group with fun activities. Just come along.