Elections 2024

A general election has been called for Thursday 4 July 2024. This is your opportunity to choose a local MP as a representative for Stoke-on-Trent, North, South and Central.

Find out more about the general election and how to vote here...

Community Safety Survey

We would like your views on how we can reduce crime, violent crime, disorder, ASB (anti-social behaviour) and tackle substance misuse in our city. 

Your views will help shape our approach for the next three years as part of the Community Safety Strategy.

There are 5 questions for you to answer, as well as telling us about yourself.

Please note that we can only deal with issues that affect community safety, not other things such as dog fouling, potholes or parking, which are dealt with by other teams within the council.

If you have any questions about this survey please contact cdrp@stoke.gov.uk